woensdag 5 september 2012


Orbs lit by a central lightsource. I added the figure for something entertaining.

Various shaped silhouettes lit by a red lightsource using a low opacity (20%) brush.
Building on something of a skull silhouet I tried to get somthing out. I ended up with the creepy zombiesc vampire head.
So today was exersize day. I had work and school so little time for the painting, but here it goes. In a followup after the moatd tutorials I started painting silhouettes and lighting these with the primairy lightsources colour using white over dark purple circles. (thought I'd selected black, but went along with the purple)
As it was taking shape nicely I added a figure for some narrative beside one of the orbs which instantly gives the picture scale.
Next I tried an exersize with a different color lightsource. Still just light over a black silhouette I painted a box, a standing cilinder, a lying cilinder, a suspended orb (no ground shadow) and a human. I think the lying cilinder needs some edge highlight on the shadowy size to show the flat surface facing away from the lightsource.

Next I tried painting a skull from a silhouette but ended up with this leering face. As I was quite satisfied with the result on its own I added some color using color layers and adding some texture detail.

Everything was done using the round brushes with shape OR opacity set to pressure. Usually putting opacity in with numerical keys. and changing hardness to encompass transitions.

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