donderdag 6 september 2012

making miles

Another day, another drawing. I got a site named Ctrl+paint from a friend of mine which builds somewhat from the ground up. Watched alot of video's and done some of the exersizes so go check it out!

 So the first one was still one of my own. Again orbs receiving light, only this time my goal was to start with black orbs of similar size, and create location through lighting. A lightsource from the left illuminates the orbs themselves.

This image shows a photoshop exersize to practice color blending. The top bars showed the results while the lower where empty to be mixed. I did fairly well without picking the top ones I think!!

Also did an excersize using orcs to get to a nice composition. Here I blurred the orcs in the background and played with compositional balance and lighting. No movement here yet though.

Hope to get some more inspiring work done soon. See you guys later!

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